Your playable balance is -
Enter amount:
Max amount for this session: 1.000€
Responsible gaming
Start amount to Cavernicoli:
Insert amount to add toCavernicoli.
Your balance is -
Insert amount to add toCavernicoli
Thank you to play atCavernicoli.
We have transfered 0€ on your account.
Il gioco è stato chiuso correttamenteRitorna all'app o al sito di gioco
transfer completed
Reopen the window for continue playing.
The match to Cavernicoli you were playing has been interrupted.
Your playing amount is still available, the match will resume.
There is a match of Cavernicoli non colpleted. You sholud complete the match before exiting.
If you want to end the match anyway, the current play will be aborted and it will not be refunded.
End match anyway?
Pending play
There is a match of Cavernicoli non colpleted. You sholud complete the match before recharging.
Ingresso a Cavernicoli